Friday, June 15, 2007

She has our vote

We're not political. We dislike most Republicans and Democrats, equally. But we like the Obama Girl. She's in the video I got a crush on Obama.

The Barack Obama campaign, of course, says they have nothing to do with the video, which stars bikini pinup girl Amber Lee Ettinger. Instead, it appears to be the creation of, a new site whose motto is "Politics are ugly. Girls are pretty."

We're not sure what this site is going to be about, since there's not much on it. But if they keep the videos coming, we may have to start paying attention to politics.

By the way, Amber Lee is not Leah Kaufman, who sings the song and gives us the lyric, "Up in the oval office, you'll get your head of state." Leah has a knack at hitting the top of the YouTube charts with videos of hot chicks lip synching her songs. Last year, she gave the world My Box in a Box.

1 comment:

3coasts said...

Oh! I like the Obama girl. Nice!

By the way thanks for visiting my blog. Feel free to come again.

I'll be sure to come back to yours again soon.
