Thursday, June 14, 2007

Have you seen the one about the 70 virgins?

We haven't posted much this week because we're in hiding.

In case you haven't heard, Iran has declared a jihad against pornographers, making it a capital crime to produce smut over there.

Not that we consider ourselves pornographers but, sometimes, we do post some racy photos of the ladies. Take this shot, for example. This picture is hot. That may be the hottest ankle I've ever seen.

We're posting it in defiance of the Iranian parliment because we feel it's our duty to help provide suitable spank material for 13-year-old Iranian boys.

We vaguely remember reading somewhere that it's always the forbidden fruit that tastes the sweetest. We're already predicting that the next big thing on the Internet will be illegal Iranian porn.


T.D. said...

mucho gracias.

Anonymous said...

If anyone can direct me to some Iranian porn I would be much obliged. I figure if I pour some money into this growing cottage industry then I doing my part to defy the regime... and I just like bare ankles.